Three weeks back into it, post Black Friday - purely $16 18-man turbos on PokerStars ($10.85/$21.70s under the new structures, which I don't like as much and hope will be reverted on Wednesday when Stars promises to address player feedback!) Things are looking good and I hope to maintain ~$2/game in the long run. Let's see... $2400 profit at the games, and about $300 in bonuses and VIP rewards, divided by an average of 4 hours a day over 22 days, comes out to about $30 per hour.
I started back up with 8 tables to ease myself into it and am currently playing about 12-14 tables, which I hope to increase to 18; if I can play the same game at that level, my hourly should get up to $40 - a figure that I would be very much satisfied with. I'm feeling very good about poker; have been reviewing training videos and thinking about the game more mathematically and logically than ever, and the results are showing. I plan to stick to these games almost exclusively to grind a regular, relatively low-stress and low-variance income - mixing in Sunday major tournaments at Bodog and Carbon simply for the massive overlay juice and spending my FPPs on Sunday Million/Kickoff/Warmup/Storm tickets.
The plan is to move to an apartment downtown by the end of the summer (which will run me $899 in rent per month). However, being close to school and shows will save me a ton of gas money, and more importantly - time. Since I can't help but nerd out and analyze everything, I'm projecting, at a conservative estimate, $100 on gas per month and 10 hours of commute time, which when put towards the poker tables, should be $300-$400. So it looks like how much I really pay to live there is the same as living in some random suburbia, and I get to reap the benefits of living somewhere where it is convenient to, y'know, actually live life beyond counting my bankroll - for free!
Hi! I'm a mathematics student at uOttawa with three huge passions in life: Poker (which I play professionally), Bass Guitar (six-string fretless 99% of the time) & Fitness (long-distance running, weightlifting)