Once upon a time there was a princess. She lived in a...
castle. In the castle there was a dragon, but no one knew because...
he flew away one day and captured the princess. The dragon wanted...
some pussy. But the princess was like "NUUUUU." So the dragon...
went and got a donkey. And he said "Donkey or me..."
The princess summoned a giant praying mantis and it...
obliterated the donkey. The dragon realized he couldn't beat a giant praying mantis so he...
flew off into the sunset. The princess sprouted wings and followed him. But she flew too high and...
her wings snapped. She fell into...
Mr Brad's lap. But Mr. Brad was still asleep. So she jacked Mr. Brad's nuts and...
went to spain, where she met Jaeyoung the nutless panda. She was like, "Yo nigga. Wanna buy some nuts?"
He said "I'm a panda, I don't have money."
So the princess decided to steal more nuts until she had enough to...
summon the Nut Demon. Jaeyoung went up to the Nut Demon and said "HAI KAN I BORRO SOME NUTS?"
The Nut Demon does not give out nuts.
The End.